Dr. Abed Chowdhury

Dr. Abed Chowdhury

Senior Principal Scientist, CSIRO, Australia



Curriculum Vitae

Name: Abdul M (Abed) Chaudhury
Birthdate: February 1, 1956
Nationality: Australian


June 1984 Ph.D. (Molecular Biology) University of Oregon , Eugene , USA Thesis: Homologous Recombination in Escherichia coli June 1981 M.S. (Molecular Biology and Chemistry) University of Oregon , Eugene , USA June 1979 B.Sc. (Hons., Chemistry) University of Dhaka , Bangladesh Hoffman La Roche Fellow of the Life Science Research Foundation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 1987-1989 Visiting Fellowship, National Institute of Health, USA, 1984-1986

Research Grants

1992 - Grant from Rockefeller Foundation on Apomixis 1977 - ACIAR Grant on Apomixis 2000- Bayer Crop Science Grant on Apomixis

Positions Held

In 2003 promoted to CSIRO level 8 ( equivalent to a Professor of Australian University) March 1989 – present: Research Scientist, Senior Research Scientist, Principal Research Scientist CSIRO Division of Plant Industry, Canberra , Australia 1992- Present Subprogram Leader, CSIRO Plant Industry Jan 87 – Feb 89 Postoctoral Research Fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology , USA Dec 84 – Dec 86 Visiting Fellow of the National Institute of Health , USA

Invited Speaker at International Conferences/organizations:

1. 1990: 4 th International Conference on Arabidopsis research, Vienna

2. 1992: International Congress on Flowering, Amsterdam , Netherlands

3. 1993: Workshop on Apomixis, International Rice Research Institute, Philippines

4. 1993: 5 th International Conference on Arabidopsis, Columbus , Ohio , USA

5. 1994: “Plants for the Future” – A meeting of a joint US- Australia bilateral exchange, Cairns , Australia

6. 1994: Chairmans Lecture, International Congress on Plant Reproduction, Vienna , Austria (declined)

7. 1995: 6 th International Arabidopsis congress, Madison , USA

8. 1996: International Congress of sexual Plant reproduction, Lorne , Victoria , Australia

9. 1996: Banbury Conference on Plant reproduction, Cold Spring harbour, USA

10. 1996: Plenary Speaker, Asia-Pacific Congress on Agricultural Biotechnology, Hua-Hin Thailand

11. 1996: Institute of Molecular Agrobiology , Singapore

12. 1997: 50 th Golden Jubilee Lecture, Delhi University

13. 1997: ISPMB conference Singapore

14. 1998: Bellagio conference on Apomixis

15. 1998: Asia-Pacific Agricultural Biotechnology Conference

16. Co-Organizer, International Conference of Sexual Plant reproduction Research, Banff , Canada , April

17. Invited Plenary Speaker, European Apomixis Workshop, Bath , UK , May, 2000

18. Invited Plenary Speaker, International Society of Plant Molecular Biology, Quebec City , Canada ; June , 2000

19.  Invited Speaker, PGS/Aventis Laboratories, Ghent , May, 2000

20.  Invited Speaker, Biology Department University of Milan , Italy , May 2000

21. Invited Speaker, INRA, Versailles , France May, 2000

22.  Invited speaker CNRS laboratories, Giff Sur Yvette , France June , 2000

23.  Invited Speaker, Ecole Normale Superieure, Lyon , France , April 2000

24. Invited Speaker, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center , Seattle , Washington , April 2000

25. Invited Speaker, Genoscope, Evry , France , June, 2000

26. Organiser, Apomixis session at International Conference on Sexual Plant reproduction, Banff , Canada 2000

27. Invited Speaker at International Society of Plant Molecular Biology , Quebec city , Canada

28. Invited Speaker, Session Chair and organiser International Apomixis Conference in Como , Italy in April 2001

29. Invited Plenary Speaker and Session Chair Role of Transcriptions factors in Plant Development, An International conference organised by NIAS, Japan in Tsukuba in November 2001

30. Invited Speaker and Teacher: A Course organised on Molecular Plant Breeding organised by International Center of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology held in Dhaka University , Bangladesh in November 2001

  1. Invited Session Chair in International Arabidopsis Conference held in Seville , Spain in July 2002
  2. Invited Speaker Lorne Genome Conference, Australia 2003
  3. Invited Speaker Epigenetics Conference, USA 2004
  4. Invited Speaker, International Plant Molecular Biology Congress, Adelaide , Australia , 2006

Professional Societies:

Genetics Society of America Inter society of Plant Molecular Biology American Association of Advancement of Science Member, New York Academy of Science

Service Committees

Member of CSIRO Forum committee: 1995-2000 Plant Industry Panel 1992-1994 Sexual Plant reproduction association Australia Representative 200-2001 Advisor to the International Plant Genetic Resource Institute, Rome , Italy

Reviewers of Grants

Regular reviewers of grants of NSF, USDA , US small business grants, NIH, USAand ARC of Australia Ad-hoc adviser to the Austrian Government in Summer 2000 Reviewers of all major international journals specializing in Plant Science

Conference Chair/organizer:

Co-organizer, Asia Pacific conference on Agricultural Biotechnology, Darwin , Australia 1998 Co-organizer, International conference of sexual plant reproduction research, Banff , Canada , 2000 Co-Organizer and member of International Steering Committee, International Apomixis conference in Como , Italy , 2001 Session Chair: International conference on Transcription factors, Tsukuba Japan , 2001 Session Chair: International Arabidopsis Conference, Seville , 2002

Science Management:

Attended Bribie Island Management course, 1997 Sub-program Leader Manager of co-manager of 4 different Alliance initiatives with Industry


Ph.D. Students: So far 4 students obtained their Ph.D. degree by working with me Julie Glover (ANU), Amy Chin Atkins (ANU), Thomas Choi ( Melbourne University ), Ming Luo ( Australian National University ) Lectured on Plant Development Courses at among other places, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Australian National University , National University of Singapore, University of Delhi , University of Dhaka

Languages :

English, Bangla, French

Work with Industry

Dr. Chaudhury's work over the last 10 years has attracted a number of research grants from Industry and other funding bodies. They include a major grant in the early 1990's from Groupe Limagrain, and Bayer Cropscineces, two major seed companies of the world, several grants from Rockefeller Foundation on and one from Australian Centre of International Agricultural Research, several grants from bilateral such as one that attracted a Korean Scientist with a Australia-Korea bilateral grant, a French INRA grant for sabbatical visit of Faboien Nogue from France and a Macmaster Fellowship to bring Prof. George Haughn from Canada . Thus Dr. Chaudhury has a solid international reputation as a scientist and his work is of paramount importance to biology in general and plant biology in particular.


Dr. Chaudhury has been ranked by ISI as one of the more highly cited authors in the Plant and Animal Science category. His 15 most highly cited papers have been cited 455 times in the last 10 years (1997-2007) putting him in a high citation bracket along with other highly reputable scientists of the world and among the top 1% of Australian Scientists in Plant Science. In Australia out of 226 most cited papers in the Plant and Animal Science category during this period Dr. Chaudhury is an author of 4 (ranked 37, 111, 127 and 181). While an average Australian paper is cited 6 times Chaudhury's 4 most cited papers have been cited 29-119 times and he has an average citation rate of 30/paper which is considered very high. These indicators assessed over last 10 years put Dr. Chaudhury among the highest performers of Science in Australia . Apart from his science Dr. Chaudhury is a frequent column writer in both Bangla and English and have authored 5 books, 4 in Bangla and one in English. His published books include two in Bangla on the Human Genome and The Human Brain. He runs a program in Bangladeshi villages of identifying students particularly talented in Science and Mathematics. He is a firm believer of using the inherent scientific innovation and business acumen of Bangladeshi people to create national wealth and scientific progress. The proposed venture “Krishan” is designed to harness the time-tested talent and patriotism of Bangladeshi people, in Bangladesh and Diaspora, to create an iconic national entity.


•  Chaudhury, A.M., and Smith, G.R. (1984) A new class of Escherichia coli recBC mutants: Implications for the role of RecBC enzyme in homologous recombination. Proceedings of the national Academy of Science , USA 81: 7850-7854

•  Chaudhury, A.M. and Smith, G.R. (1985) Escherichia coli recBC deletion mutants. Journal of Bacteriology 160: 788-791

•  Chaudhury, A.M., and Smith, G.R. (1985) Role of Escherichia coli recBC enzyme in SOS induction. Molecular and General genetics 201: 525-528

•  Amundsen, S.B.K., taylor , A.F., Chaudhury, A.M., and Smith, G.R. (1986) recD : The gene for an essential subunit of Exonuclease V. Proceedings of the national Academy of Science , USA 83: 5558-5562

•  Chaudhury, A.M., and Signer, E.R. (1989) Relative regeneration proficiency of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes. Plant Cell Reports 8: 368-370

•  Chaudhruy, A.M. and Signer, E.R. (1989) Non-destructive transformation of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 7: 246-249

•  Last, D.I., Brettel, R.I.S., Chamberlain, D.A., Chaudhury, A.M., Larkin, P.J., Marsh, E.L./ Peacock, W.J., and dennis, E.S. (1991) pEMU: an improved promoter for gene expression in cereal cells. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 81: 581-588

•  Chaudhury, A.M., Craig, S., Bloemer, K.C., Farrell, L., and Dennis, E.S. (1992) Genetic control of male fertility in higher plants. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 19: 419-426

•  Chaudhury, A.M., Letham, S., Craig, S., and Dennis, E.S. (1993) amp1 - a mutant with high cytokinin levels and altered embryonic pattern faster vegetative growth constututive photomorphogenesis and precocious flowering. Plant Journal 4: 907-916

•  Chaudhury, A.M., Dennis, E.S., and Brettel, R.I.S. (1994) Gene expression following T-DNA transfer into plant cells is aphidicolin sensitive Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 21: 125-131

•  Chaudhury, A.M., Lavithis, M., Taylor, P.E., Craig, S., Singh, M.B., Signer, E.R., Knox, R.B., and Dennis, E.S. (1994) Genetic Control of male fertility in Arabidopsis thaliana : Structural analyses of premeiotic developmental mutants. Sexual Plant Reproduction 7: 17-28

•  Koltunow, A.M., Bicknell, R.A., and Chaudhury, A.M. (1995) Apomixis: Molecular strategies for the generation of genetically identical seeds without pollination. Plant Physiology 108: 1345-1352

•  Chapple, R.M., Chaudhury, A.M., Bloemer, K.C., Farrell, L.B., and Dennis, E.S. (1996) Construction of a YAC contig of 2 megabases around MS1 gene in Arabidopsis thaliana Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 23: 453-465

•  Chin-Atkins, A.N., Craig, S., Hocart, C.H., Dennis, E.S., and Chaudhury, A.M. (1996) Increased endogenous cytokinin in the Arabidopsis amp1 mutant corresponds with de-etiolation responses. Plants 198: 549-556

•  Glover, J.A., Bloemer, K.C., Farrell, L.B., Chaudhury, A.M., and Dennis, E.S. (1996) Searching for male-sterile mutants of Arabidopsis Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 14: 330-342

•  Smith, G.R., Amundsen, S.K., Chaudhury, A.M., Cheng, K.C., Ponticelli, A.S., Roberts, C.M., Schultz, D.W., and Taylor , A.F. (1984) roles of recBC enzyme and Chi sites in homologous recombination. Cold spring Harbor Symposium of Quatitative Biology 49: 485-493

•  Resnick, M.A., Chaudhury, A.M., Nitiss, J.L. (1986) Genetic and molecular analyses of recombination using mutants altered in DNA repair and sister chromatid recombination. In Genetic Recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Eds J. Strathern and Amar Klar. Published by Cold Spring Harbour laboratory

•  Chaudhury, A.M. (1993) Nuclear genes controlling male fertility Plant cell 5: 1277-1283

•  Chaudhury, A., and Peacock, W.J. (1994) Isolating apomixis mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana – prospects and progress, In : Apomixis: Exploiting Hybrid vigour in Rice. G.S. Khush (ed) International Rice Research Institute, Philippines , pp 67-71

•  Peacock, J., Ming, L., Dennis, E.S., and Chaudhury, A. (1995) A mutagenesis program for apomixis genes in Arabidopsis In: Induced mutations and molecular techniques for crop improvement, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna , pp 117-125

•  Craig, S., and Chaudhury, A.M. (1994) Mutants with impaired fertlity In Arabidopsis : An Atlas of Morphology and Development, Eds, Bowman, J. (Springer, new York ) 372-377

•  Chaudhury, A.M., Ming, L., Miller, C., Craig, S., Dennis, E.S., and Peacock, W.J. (1997) Fertilization-independent seed development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science , USA 94: 4223-4228

•  Taylor , P.E., Glover, J.A., Lavithis, M., Craig, S., Singh, M.B., Knox, R.B., Dennis, E.S., and Chaudhury, A.M. (1998) Genetic Control of male fertility in Arabidopsis thaliana : Structural analyses of post-meiotic developmental mutants. Planta 205: 492-505

•  Glover, J., Grelon, M., Craig, S., and Chaudhury, A.M., and Dennis, E.S. (1998) Cloning and characterization of MS5 from Arabidopsis : a gene critical for male meiosis. The Plant Journal 15: 345-356

•  Bilodeau, P., Luo, M., Dennis, E.S., Peacock, W.J. and Chaudhury, A. (1998) Cloning of a cDNA encoding a putative glutathione peroxidase protein from Arabidopsis thaliana . Plant Physiology, 116_1193

•  Bilodeau, P., Luo, M., Dennis, E.S., Peacock, W.J., and Chaudhury, A.M. (1998) Cloning of a cDNA encoding a putative two-fingered C2H2 zinc finger protein from Arabidopsis thaliana . Plant Physiology 116: 1194

•  Ming, L., Bilodeau, P., Koltunow, A., Dennis, E.S., Peacock, WJ and Chaudhury, A.M. (1999) Genes controlling fertilization-independent seed development in Arabidopsis thaliana Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA 96: 296-301

•  Kumaran, M.K., Ye, D., Tang, W.C., Griffith, M.E., Chaudhury, A.M., and Sundaresan, V. (1999) Molecular cloning of Abnormal Floral Organs, a gene required for flower development in Arabidopsis. Sexual Plant Reproduction 12:118-122

•  Luo, M., Bilodeau, P., Dennis, ES, Peacock, WJ, and Chaudhury A (2000) Interaction and parent-of-origin effects for FIS2, MEA, and FIE in the endosperm and embryo of developing Arabidopsis seeds Proc Natl Acad Sci, USA 97:10637-10642

•  Vivian-Smith, A., Luo, M., Chaudhury,A., and Koltunow, A (2001) Fruit Development is actively restricted in the absence of fertilization in Arabidopsis Development (in press in Development)

•  Sorensen , MB , Chaudhury, AM, Robert, H., Bancharel, E., and Berger, F (2001) Polycomb group genes control pattern formation in Plant seed Current Biology 11: 277-281

•  Nogue, F., Grandjean, O., Craig, S., Dennis, E., and Chaudhury, A. (2001) Higher levels of cell proliferation rate and cyclin D3 expression in the Arabidopsis amp1 mutant Plant Growth regulation 32:275-283

•  Nogue, F., Grandjean, O., Hocart, C., Dennis, E., and Chaudhury, A.(2001) Higher Cytokinin biosynthesis in amp1 mutants Plant Growth regulation 32: 267-273

•  Helliwell , C.A. , Chin-Atkins, A.N., Wilson , I.W., Dennis, E.S., and Chaudhury, A.M. (2001) The Arabidopsis AMP1 gene encodes a putative glutamate carboxypeptidase 13:2115-2125

•  Chaudhury, A.M., Craig, S., Dennis, E.S., and Peacock, W.J. (1999) Ovule and Embryo development, apomixis, and fertilization . Current Opinions in Plant Biology 1: 26-31

•  Chaudhury, A.M., Koltunow, A., Dennis, E.S., and Peacock, W.J. (1999) Apomixis and its utility in Agriculture. In Encyclopaedia of Life Sciences, Macmillan, London

•  Chaudhury, A., Okada, K., Raikhel , NV , Shinozaki, K., and Sundaresan, V (1999) A weed reaches new heights down under Plant Cell 11: 1917-1826

•  Peacock, J., and Chaudhury, AM (2001) The Impact of Gene Technologies on the use of Genetic Resources In Managing Plant genetic Diversity ed, Engels et al., publishers: CABI publishing

•  Chaudhury, A. (2001) Male Sterilty in Encyclopaedia of Life Sciences, Mcmillan

•  Chaudhury AM, Koltunow A, Payne T, et al. (2001) Control of Early Seed development ANNU REV CELL DEV BI 17: 677-699 2001

•  Chaudhury AM, Berger F Maternal control of seed development SEMIN CELL DEV BIOL 12 (5): 381-386 OCT 2000

•  Lohe A., and Chaudhury A (2002) Demeter: On seeds and Goddesses Plant Cell 14: 2981-2983

•  Luo, M.,  E. Dennis, J. Peacock, and A. Chaudhury. (2005).      MINISEED3 (MINI3) , a WRKY family gene, IKU2 , a LRR kinase  gene are regulators of endosperm development and seed size in Arabidopsis. Procedings of Natinal Academy of Science , USA 102(48):17531-6.

•  Chaudhury, A (2005) Hotheaded healer and extra-genomic information Nature 437 , E1 ( 1 September 2005 ) | doi:10.1038/nature04062

International Patents:

1. Method for inducing seed development by down-regulating expression of the FIS2 gene. U.S. Patent  20030126647, 2003-07-03.

2. Induction or facilitation of male-sterility in Plants by targeting genomic region corresponding to the MS5 locus or JAG18 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana Inventors: J.A. Glover, S. Craig, M. Grelon, A.M. Chaudhury, and E.S. Dennis Patent Number: WO9730581-A1, 1997


1. Prof Gerald R. Smith Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Research Center , 1100 Fairview Ave.
N. , A1-162, Seattle , WA 98109 -1024.,

2. Prof Hugh Dickinson Sheradian
Professor of Oxford University , Oxford , UK
Tel +44 (0)1865 275800
Fax +44 (0)1865 275805

3. Dr. Richard Jefferson CEO,
CAMBIA, Canberra , Australia